Earth’s Best Reading Challenge â–µ Endorsed by the Orange County Department of Education


Science. Technology. Engineering. Arts. Mathematics.

Futuristic illustration of young people and a robot reading in a STEAM-inspired world.

S.T.E.A.M. Race to Space Reading Challenge

This is a reading challenge unlike any that have ventured before. Not just because there are cool prizes but because these books are secret worlds that will launch your future in ways you never imagined. Let’s explore some great reads!

Sign up to get information about next year's Reading Challenge.


Check the Prize Winners list to see if you won a bonus prize.

Your Mission

illustrated blue and gray satellite against a bright yellow circle

Base Goal

Read 100 pages.

Earn 5 virtual tickets and a reward package

(packages can vary).

illustrated gray rocket against bright yellow circle

Bonus Goals

Read an additional

25 pages.

Earn 3 tickets.

illustrated silver rover with black tires against a bright yellow circle


Submit tickets to any of the prizes found in your Beanstack account.

Final day to submit virtual tickets is December 1, 2024.

Prizes to Win

Young Adult Prizes

Be rewarded for your S.T.E.A.M. reading adventure with digital badges, virtual tickets, a certificate of completion and a package of goodies (reward packages can vary). For those who want a greater chance to win prizes, earn extra bonus tickets by continuing to explore secret worlds hidden inside books!

(Prizes can only be redeemed through Beanstack and the last day to submit virtual tickets is December 1, 2024. Winners will receive an email on January 3, 2025, notifying them of how to collect their prize.)

S.T.E.A.M. Reading List

illustrated imaginary planet with spherical greenhouses and two students gardening

Young Adult Books

Most of the books listed below can be found at your local library.

Happy book hunting!

Download the 2024 Young Adult Recommended Reading List PDF.

Download the
2022 Young Adult Recommended Reading List PDF.

Download the 2021 Young Adult Recommended Reading List PDF.

The 2024 Young Adult Recommended Reading List 

Download the 2024 Young Adult Recommended Reading List PDF.

A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)  by Barbara Oakley PhD

Ad Astra: An Illustrated Guide to Leaving the Planet  by Dallas Campbell

Age of Miracles  by Karen Thompson Walker

Ada's Algorithm: How Lord Byron's Daughter Ada Lovelace Launched the Digital Age  by James Essinger

And We're Off   by Dana Schwartz

Art Boss  by Kayla Cagan

Back To Earth What Life in Space Taught Me About Our Home Planet—And Our Mission to Protect It  by Nicole Stott

Bad Taste in Boys  by Carrie Harris

Becoming Dr. Q: My Journey from Migrant Farm Worker to Brain Surgeon  by Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa

Birder on Berry Lane: Three Acres, Twelve Months, Thousands of Birds by Robert Tougias

Black Internet Effect  by Shavone Charles

Blood Water Paint  by Joy McCullough

Borrowing Life: How Scientists, Surgeons, and a War Hero Made the First Successful Organ Transplant a Reality  by Shelley Fraser Mickle

Boston Made: From Revolution to Robotics, Innovations that Changed the World  by Dr. Robert M. Krim with Alan R. Earls

Cells at Work!  by Akane Shimizu

Code Name Verity  by Elizabeth Wein

Do You Dream of Terra-Two?  by Temi Oh

Dr Space Junk vs The Universe: Archaeology and the Future  by Alice Gorman

Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future  by Ashlee Vance

Every Bone Tells a Story: Hominin Discoveries, Deductions, and Debates  by Jill Rubalcaba and Peter Robertshaw

Everything You Need to Ace Chemistry in One Big Fat Notebook  by Jennifer Swanson

Flowers for Algernon  by Daniel Keyes

Going Blue: A Teen Guide To Saving Our Oceans  by Philippe Cousteau and Cathryn Berger Kaye

I, Robot  by Isaac Asimov

Imagined Life: A Speculative Scientific Journey among the Exoplanets in Search of Intelligent Aliens, Ice Creatures, and Supergravity Animals  by James Trefil and Michael Summers

Incredible Stories from Space  by Nancy Atkinson

Handprints on Hubble: An Astronaut's Story of Invention  by Kathryn D. Sullivan

Hidden Figures  by Margot Lee Shetterly

Hot X: Algebra Exposed!  by Danica McKellar

Into the Deep: Science, Technology, and the Quest to Protect the Ocean  by Christy Peterson

Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (vol. 1-5)  by Sumito Oowara

Life as We Knew It  by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Material Beings  by Peter Van Iwagen

Math Geek: From Klein Bottles to Chaos Theory, a Guide to the Nerdiest Math Facts, Theorems, and Equation  by Raphael Rosen

Mathematics and Art: A Cultural History  by Lynn Gamwell and Neil deGrasse Tyson

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything  by Joshua Foer

My Dream of Stars: From Daughter of Iran to Space Pioneer  by Anousheh Ansari

Once Upon a Time I Lived on Mars  by Kate Greene

Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void  by Mary Roach

Path to the Stars: My Journey from Girl Scout to Rocket Scientist  by Sylvia Acevedo

Patient Zero: Solving the Mysteries of Deadly Epidemics  by Marilee Peters

Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines  by Richard A. Muller

Ready Player One  by Ernest Cline

Rocket Boys  by Homar Hickman

Science Fair Season: Twelve Kids, a Robot Named Scorch . . . and What It Takes to Win  by Judy Dutton

Tesla’s Attic (trilogy)  by Neal Shusterman

The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another  by Dr. Ainissa Ramirez

The Disordered Cosmos: A Journey into Dark Matter, Spacetime, and Dreams Deferred  by Chanda Prescod-Weinsteink

The Imitation Game: Alan Turing Decoded  by Jim Ottaviani

The Lunar Chronicles  by Marissa Meyer

The Mars Challenge  by Alison Wilgus

The Ones We're Meant to Find  by Joan He

The Universe: The Big Bang, Black Holes, and Blue Whales  by Matthew Brenden Wood

The Wide World of Coding: The People and Careers Behind the Programs  by Jennifer Connor-Smith

The Wild Robot  by Peter Brown

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea  by Jules Verne

Warcross  by Marie Lu

What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions  by Randall Munroe 

Guardians of the Young Adult Books

Tap / Hover over to flip the box
Tap / Hover over to flip the box

Elio Morillo
Elio Morillo

Tap / Hover over to flip the box
Tap / Hover over to flip the box

Martha Brockenbrough
Martha Brockenbrough

Prize Winners

Plans are underway for the Splash-Down Celebration to honor Bonus Prize Winners. Keep an eye on the email used to create your Beanstack account to get the details of how and when to receive your prize.

If you have any questions, contact us at

Aarav N

Serrano Intermediate

$50 Amazon gift card

Aiden G

Serrano Elementary

30-Second Dance Party button

Carson B

Serrano Elementary

30-Second Dance Party button

Charlotte M

Kraemer Middle

30-Second Dance Party button

Diego T


Sky Zone pass

Eli S

Serrano Intermediate

HP Chromebook

Elias David C G


Zoom call with Dr. Nield

Emerson S

Serrano Intermediate

Bazic backpack

Emma Z

Serrano Intermediate

JPL visit

Farishta I

Legacy Magnet Academy

Lerner book bundle

Fernando A

Serrano Intermediate

$20 Amazon gift card

Hanne L

Serrano Intermediate

JPL visit

Ivana B

El Toro High

Zoom call with Vicky Fang

Jesus G

Serrano Intermediate

Sky Zone pass

Jonathan Q

Serrano Intermediate

Boomers Golf tickets

Keaton H

Serrano Intermediate

Focus Dance lessons

Kenzington M

Serrano Intermediate

JPL visit

Madelyn P

Trabuco Hills High

JPL visit

Megan P

Trabuco Hills High

JPL visit

Nivan S

Serrano Intermediate

Zoom call with Vicky Fang

Saikrishnan S

Troy High

JPL visit

Zhaohan W

Serrano Intermediate

JPL visit

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